Sunday, July 8, 2012

Eye Spy....

Summer is officially here and the summer flowers are in full bloom! What do you have blooming in your garden?  Did you have a showy Spring perennial garden, but now you wish you had more plants in bloom? Look at these beauties that I spotted blooming this week at Pike Nurseries.

'Tomato Soup' Echinacea.  Have you seen this new variety of Coneflower?  It has gorgeous multicolored petals. Rich hues of red and yellow petals add nice rich color to summer gardens.

Did you know many plants that are thought of as houseplants thrive in our Georgia summer weather outside? Take Aechmea primavera, a bromeliad out on your screened porch for the summer and enjoy a burst of beautiful pink blooms. 

Do you want to attract butterflies to your garden?  Then you MUST plant Asclepias, also known as Milkweed.  Plant this beautiful red and yellow bloomer and watch them swarm to it!

Hummingbirds are another favorite to attract to our gardens.  I bet you only think of red blooms when you think of flowers  that attract hummingbirds.  Well, let's rethink that!! Because, this 'Black and Blue' Salvia is one of their favorites! Plant this and you'll have happy hummingbirds.

Tibouchina has intense blue color and can really beat the hit.  I took this photo of blooms on a Tibouchina that's a topiary and would look great in pots on your deck!  

For your shadier spots try this gorgeous hydrangea 'Limelight'.  It has beautiful sweet lime to white blooms.

Another new hydrangea to  try is 'Twist 'n Shout'  It has a beautiful pink, very sturdy bloom.  

There is such an amazing selection of Black eyed susan's that it was hard to choose just one photograph.  I love how they transition from summer to fall.  Plant them now and their color hues are great for summer but also work with  your fall decor. 

Scabiosa, also known as pincushion flower (can't you see why?)  must be the longest blooming perennial we can grow here.  It seems to start early and never stop.  And they produce a lavender blue colored flower that is a hard color to find.  So if this is your favorite color be sure to pick this one up!

Gallardia, or Blanketflower is another perennial that blooms consistently in summer and has colors that transition well into fall.

There were so many daylilies that were showstoppers.  But these two next to each other were a dramatic pairing.  'Royal Icing' and 'Jungle Beauty.'  

Look around now at  your neighbors gardens, your local public gardens and stop in at Pike Nurseries to see what is in bloom in the summer, then you can plant them and have a showstopping garden in summers to come.

Happy Gardening.. and Happy Summer!  ~Melodie

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