Monday, May 4, 2009

Veggie Beds Continued

I've just posted several week's worth of pictures below. Please start at the bottom and scroll up to read them in chronological order. Jody and I had so much fun working together on our veggie beds and now we are anxiously awaiting the fruits.... and veggies of our labor.

We harvested the first thing today... some mint!

Jody is watching the garden grow :)

Look at the radishes! Okay we also planted beets. Many people know my story with beets. I'm not a big fan. I didn't grow up eating beets. Jody's family did and he loves beets. I get beets in my Christmas stocking as a joke. I don't like them - and even though the President hates beets and so they are not planting beets in the new White House Victory garden. The McDanal's have planted beets in theirs. ;) (Well Jody did make Heart shaped beets for me for Valentine's Day once - so I had to give in a little :) )

Wow! they are thriving in the rain!


Everything is planted now... Well that was until I just bought some carrot and bean seeds. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them.

How does my garden grow my Mother asked me the other day. It's growing so fast I feel like if I am still long enough I'll be able to see it growing.

Jody planting radishes.

This is what gardening is all about. Dirty fingernails.. a new pair of Felco #2's and a cup of hot tea.

Radishes! Jody planted these - they were the first thing I asked him to plant. He sat down and planted them and while he was planting them he said - "this is so weird that the first thing you asked me to plant was radishes - because when I was little the first thing I planted in my Dad's garden was radishes and I couldn't wait to eat radishes because I had planted them.. well and because my parents described them as being like beets.. They didn't taste like beets" Loved that story.. I had never heard it before. :)

I did the smaller bed in rows to look more like traditional rows in a garden.

pea flowers.. soon we'll have peas

I strung twine up on the trellis Jody built for our peas

rows of lettuce

chives and chard

wow they are growing fast!!

Nasturtium... beautiful flowers.. and they're edible too!

Yes!! That is Corn - can you believe it? We planted corn too - this corn is called 'Mr. Mini'

These are photos of Jody building a trellis for our peas!!! We planted 'Early Girl' and 'Sugar Snap' peas. I love peas!!!! Pass the peas please! :)

This is me.. after a shopping trip. I found tomatoes and basil and eggplants - even a white eggplant!! woo hoo! :) I'm ready to plant!

Jody is filling up the beds and I have place two old baskets in the corner of the garden. They will hold strawberries and lettuce.

Jody worked so hard... He went to pick up free compost from the Dekalb County Compost pile at least 4 times.... thank goodness for free compost. I can't imagine how much it would have cost to fill the beds otherwise...

me... loading compost into the truck... yes I helped ;)

lettuce and basil

here are the beds partially planted.... I planted waaayyyyy tooo many tomatoes.. But I couldn't help myself. We'll have tomato sandwiches and gazpacho and sphaghetti and lasagna and bruschetta and eggplant parmesan.......

Chard is sooo beautiful! I can't stop taking pictures of it! :)

Strawberry bloom! :) soon we'll have strawberries!!
I planted strawberries in an old basket to keep them above ground for ease of picking berries and because they can be aggressive spreaders.

the beds are completed and almost full of compost!!


  1. WOW! I can't wait till I get to a big basket full of fresh veggies! ; )

    It really looks amazing, great job guys!

  2. Thanks for that comment B!! You'll be the first delivery! :)
